Explaining Diversity, and Faits Accomplis

There are a few fandoms I follow where I see people arguing why certain forms of diversity are or aren’t possible.  Two in particular always stand out for me:

In Warhammer 40,000 fandom, people argue the biological feasibility of female Space Marines.

Fans of Doctor Who argue over whether there’s precedent that would allow the Doctor to regenerate as a woman.

In both of these cases, my answer is the same: the creators don’t need to justify it.  They should just do it.

(This isn’t about the constraints being fantastical, either.  If you try to offer me a “can’t” about, say, race in a historical piece, I’ll point you at Medieval POC and send you on your way.)

Have the Doctor regenerate into Hailey Atwell.  Introduce a new edition of Codex: Space Marines with named, unambiguously female Space Marines.

Don’t worry about the how. Just do it.

Because here’s the thing: it’s a lot easier to argue with a hypothetical than with a fait accompli.  It’s a lot harder to argue that something “can’t be” when it’s right there on the screen, or right there on the page.

So don’t give the naysayers a hypothetical.

“The Doctor can’t be a woman.” “Really? ‘Cause I just marathoned a season of the Doctor being a woman.”

“There are no female Space Marines.” “Really? ‘Cause my Codex has stats for a Captain Victoria Argentia, and an Olwen the Swift, and a Venerable Proserpina…”

Give them a fait accompli.